Nearby services


At the Villarceaux farm , 2 km above the village, the bakery offers organic bread and pastries, eggs, honey and on certain days beef (3 p.m. to 6 p.m. from Tuesday to Sunday).

Friday afternoon and Saturday morning, sale of vegetables by the market gardeners.

You will find a convenience store, a pharmacy and a hairdresser in Bray et Lu (3km).

In Magny-en-Vexin, 10km away, you will find all the shops in the town center, as well as the BIOCOOP Graine en Vexin , a Leclerc supermarket and a Carrefour, gas pumps and banks with ATMs.



There are no restaurants in Chaussy.
You will find several delicious restaurants between 5km and 10km depending on the day...
BE CAREFUL on opening days, particularly in August.

Here is a selection, they are particularly succulent, I have tried them all! 
  La Table Verte in Génainville 5km, French cuisine with a pretty terrace in summer.
La Fourg'ette in Fourges 5km, French cuisine and pizza, terrace in summer.
La Casa Victoria in La Roche-Guyon 10km, pizzeria with local products

For dinner, upon reservation 48 hours in advance and for €20 per person (excluding alcoholic drinks), I could offer you the 100% organic, local, and homemade Table d'hôtes .
All guests dine together at the same table generally around 7:30 p.m.
A vegetable soup or a cold starter, a quiche, a Parmentier hash or a pasta gratin and a salad, then a dessert.



Nearest General Practitioners 3 km : Dr Odobasa 28 Grande Rue, 95710 Bray-et-Lû. 01 34 67 72 55
Nearest pharmacy 3 km : Pharmacie de l'Epte 25 Grande Rue 95710 Bray-et-Lû. 01 34 67 72 28
Nurse traveling to your home by appointment 3 km : Karine Denis 26 Grande Rue, 95710 Bray-et-Lû. 01 34 67 27 51
Nearest emergency hospital 10 km : GHI Magny en Vexin 38, rue Carnot, 95420 Magny-en-Vexin 01 34 79 44 44